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Ok I know you guys are probs getting sick and tried of the same old questions but none of the previous threads really answer my questions.

After some serious brain hurting (thinking) I have decided I want a mt I had a flick through mags and websites and drew my conclusion to the following:

Savvy ss (with nitro - star 25),

Savvy 25,

Savvy 3.5,


I just don’t know which. I know for a fact most people will be bias to the truck they own.

There are a few questions around the savvy such as:

Which is the better performer out of the savvy 25 and 3.5?

Which is more user friendly?

Which one in theory stand up to the most bashing?

reasons for me asking is because I have the thoughts that the savvy is the older design and could soon be replace by the hell fire where as the Revo is fairly new so parts and hop ups should be around for a few years to come.

The truck will be used for taking abuse my rush cant, and jumping off some massive jumps.

I feel the Revo may not be able to hold up to the jumps as well as the savvy, due to its 4 shock design instead of the savvy’s 8 shock.

Please help me before my head starts to explode.

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from the things i have read about them, it doesn't realy matter in terms of the bashing they can handle between the savvys, the revo is ment to be a easy maintance truck, and the 25 is better than the 3.5, this is all from what i have read on this forum on the net etc, so i most deffinatly wrong

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Listen, I Now 2 Poeple who bout 25's. And they Have spents About £200 Trying to get them to the Same spec as the 4.6!

You have to trust me on this on, Get the Sav 4.6!

You Will regret getting the 25! Or any Other! The LM is Just a 4.6 with a 25 And they Have Bumped the Price up Alot! So its not Worth it!

4.6 All the Way!

I just Helped A Guy Tune his 4.6 and he Let me do it, Boy does that Fly and Its soo Easy to tune!

And i used to own one, And am goung back to get one!

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You really should get a Revo. I have one for sale btw :P. I'm not saying you should get a Revo because I have one for sale, but simply because it is better than the savage. It may have slighlty less grunt but all in all is a much better car. Some say its weak, but when you actually have had experiance with it you find it is not so. To date I have broken a shock shaft, and an arm. Much cheaper than forking out for savage spurs all the time.

I find the savage hard to work on, terribly high COG causes you to tip over very regularly, bad spur design causes lots of stripped/melted clutchs. It is a good car but can cause lots of headaces. Whereas my Revo has been very good. I've broken an arm, some people would then imply it is weak, but that arms broke after some extremely severe abuse. Replace the arms and your going again, or buy RPM's and never break them again, whereas with the Savage a little thing always decides to go wrong.

The Revo is well though out, and works a treat. BETTER than a savage. Though you will not be dissapointed with what you choose. I'd advise you to read independant reviews, as here at MSUK your going to continually get people telling you to get a savage and nothing else, whereas people at RCU will say get a Revo. Some may even say get an LST. I've had all 3, the Revo is better, period.

If you have anymore questions PM me.

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You really should get a Revo. I have one for sale btw :P. I'm not saying you should get a Revo because I have one for sale, but simply because it is better than the savage. It may have slighlty less grunt but all in all is a much better car. Some say its weak, but when you actually have had experiance with it you find it is not so. To date I have broken a shock shaft, and an arm. Much cheaper than forking out for savage spurs all the time.

I find the savage hard to work on, terribly high COG causes you to tip over very regularly, bad spur design causes lots of stripped/melted clutchs. It is a good car but can cause lots of headaces. Whereas my Revo has been very good. I've broken an arm, some people would then imply it is weak, but that arms broke after some extremely severe abuse. Replace the arms and your going again, or buy RPM's and never break them again, whereas with the Savage a little thing always decides to go wrong.

The Revo is well though out, and works a treat. BETTER than a savage. Though you will not be dissapointed with what you choose. I'd advise you to read independant reviews, as here at MSUK your going to continually get people telling you to get a savage and nothing else, whereas people at RCU will say get a Revo. Some may even say get an LST. I've had all 3, the Revo is better, period.

If you have anymore questions PM me.

And How much of a Pain in the Backside is Tunning the Revo!

I remeber you Having to Tun it in 1/32nd's!

Remember the Optidrive! That was a Pain aswell!

And Remember How hot that Head gets!

It isnt That very Good value for Money anyway!

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terribly high COG causes you to tip over very regularly,

Unlike the Revo which just gets stuck on large peices of gravel.

bad spur design causes lots of stripped/melted clutchs.

This is a user error, it only happens when the engine is not threadlocked in and is allowed to to wobble around.

Personally I'd get a LST, they are the strongest, most powerful and best handling MT I've ever used.

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There's a guy I know that has a Revo, all he ever does it fix it. On the rare occassion that is is working he isn't able to take it properly off-road because it breaks to easily so he races on road but then gets beat everytime by the LST.

I really can't understand why anyone would consider buying a Revo, it is weak, underpowered and badly desinged. It is a attempted mix between a stadium car and a MT that just hasn't worked at all.

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Revos are good fun, although I agree with Lee, they seem abit lifeless at times. I wouldn't be botherd which I get, they are both excellent!

LST is pants handling, I've used several and when I have an E-Maxx, I do know what bad handling is. :D

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practically evertime I goto my lhs theres a revo in peices being repaired, they've had one on the shelf for sale for god knows how long and beside it a t maxx.

They're never gonna sell lol, musta been there a year already!

The reason everyone always says get a savvy is becos they're good,we're not all biased against other trucks lol the sav is good at what it does, loadsa peeps own one so its only natural we say get a savage. I used a LST in the states briefly along with a revo, I was'nt impressed with the LST at all, the revo was fun but the savage out shined them both.

Edited by Mad Hatter
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Well im still confused however i feel im slightly more confused now than i was before i posted.

Im swaying an awful lot to the savvy now due to the fact that i know if it breaks there are so many savvy owners here to help me if it goes wrong.

I have a few more savvy questions:

1) What is the part that breaks most often?

2) What hop ups are required immediately?

3) Which savvy do i get 25 or 3.5?

4) What’s the maximum shock travel im (mm)?

Some revo questions:

1) Which set of rockers provides the most shock travel?

2) Which hop ups are required immediately?

Cheerz Dan

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Get the Savage 4.6!

Trust me! It Will Save Alot of Money. You Will gte Loads and loads of Power! And it Will have all The Hop ups Needed to make it a Good truck, Theve changed the Crap that was Letting the 25 Down!

Get the Savage 4.6!

I cant think of Anything else Breaking Other than a Spur, This Will only happen Is the Engine Moves out of Place. Like Samari Said it will Only Happen if Threadlock is not used To hold the Engine in place! But still its good to have a Spare of them!

Nothing other than that is required!

Cheers Mominator!

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savvy questions:

1) What is the part that breaks most often? Spur gear unless meshed properly then it is pretty much tough as ol boots

2) What hop ups are required immediately? Centre skid plate, alley chassis joint bar

3) Which savvy do i get 25 or 3.5? 3.5 limited edition deffinatly

4) What’s the maximum shock travel im (mm)? not sure sorry

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Revo the 120mm rockers give you 12cm of travel, the most of any monster, but normally keep the 90mm ones on, they give you a better ride on grass. Immediatly nothing needs upgrading, mines always been stock. Well RPM arms might be worth buying.

Savage, go with the 4.6, don't bother with the RTR's. Reason I say that is the 4.6 is much better value for money, and by building every element yourself (which is easy with HPI's instructions), you learn how everything goes together and works. I'd advise a steel spur and good radio/servo's with the savage.


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That may be the thing mad hatter. With the 4.6, I had to replace spurs often, and with the collari, mesh millimetre perfect it wouls strip them. Now running hardened steel spur, no problems whatsoever. May be due to the fact you savage was a 21.

Edited by waz
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Has to be a user error, teeth to not strip unless the mesh is wrong and if you had it set right at the start then your engine was wobbling.

Okay then, if you say so, :huh: I must be a complete idiot because I couldn't sorted the problema and must have been through 7 stpurs and not got half a tank worth of fuel through the engine (Put engine in savage at tank 8).

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