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Sav 21 + twinzilla?


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I've been offered a haggered savage 21 for £60, the guy says the servos are gone,reciever is playin up but other than that it jus needs a good clean. He assures me the engine is in good condition and is gonna email me some pics of the piston head later (which I will post) He said theres a few marks on the head caused by a glow plug popping.

So seeming I'm already getting a 4.6 I was thinking of buying the 21 and getting a twinzilla conversion kit for it. The 21 is completly stock apart from a disc break so all I'll need are some new servos and a reciever then the twinzilla.

My only concern is: will the 21 be able to handle the 2 engines? I don't want to be replacing the diffs etc every two mins, so do you guys think this is a good idea?

any advice



(piston pics later)

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Im not sure if it was me that i could be bothered with the hassle of tuning 2 engines, but maybe you could put the extended chassis on it and whack a collari .32 in it or somethin. oh and he must of been really ragging that savage to keep popping glow plugs

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Don't flame me if I've got a couple of reviews swapped around, I understood the Twin Zilla conversion included diferent .... erm ..... those upright chassis plates that go from front to back, thereby lenghening the chassis.

Somehow I got the impression this was required????

However Dazz for £60? Do it up make it a tidy runner and sell the bugger on eBay, don't you already have a collari powered Savvy anyway?

As always ... IMHO :D


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but why would I want to use a 21 wen I'll have the 4.6? the whole reason I am thinkin of buyin it is to give it some balls and an excuse to get a twin engines truck lol

but if the 2 engines are gonna cause probs then its not worth my time, I'd rather put the money into the 4.6

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Ave got a Plan For ya!

Keep this and Ya 4.6 Both running. if one breaks Use the othere And when that Breaks Used the Other to Fix this!

Better to Have 2 running Sav's.

Whats MS, Or do you mean Modelsport?

model sport, good idea I got a couple of new servos today for it, I'm gonna leave it stock and use it but if needs be it'll be gettin stripped for repairs to the 4.6

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i guess it will justengage the clutch on the slower one

not sure though

Personally don't see how the slower one would disengage, but the thought of trying to tune two engines to perfection with each other?? Screw that!! Get a .60 aero engine to satisfy your lust for power :lol:

I see the future I see much grief with Truckzilla that only a Tibeten monk would have the required calm spirit not to take a hammer to it on the 3rd hour of attempting to tune it up!!

Can't wait to read your results Dazz


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there is nothing wrong with twin engine savages all you do is tune one engine get it warm when its running wright stop it and start the second engine tune that then start the first engine and there you have it so if you can tune one engine you can tune two i have had no trouble with my twin

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