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No mention of REVOs here *sniff*


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:D Picco .26  :D

mother beast of an engine!  B)

Aye in a savvy it's top flight, but when I finally blow both my 2.5R's the RB323 WILL BE MINE ALL MINE HA HA HA HA HAH AH HA HAHAHHAH AEGFSGLERP{GFLKWS_EFL<Z:@CL

Oooops sorry bout that :unsure:


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why wait to blow them?

Just whack one in. that way if you blow it you have something to stick back in and keep you going till you get a new one. Thats what i did.

Hmm true :) However my new cunning plan is to sell my new 2.5R to raise funds for the RB323, and keep running my original one untill I got a spare £160, then the 2.5 will be backup like you say .... hadn't thought about that bit myself, thanks

Samari>> Nah it's to have the fastest truck ever I finally had a little go on one :helpsmilie: , the noise is irrelevent :ph34r:


RODGE>> Did you change the Bell/spur ratios to keep it on the ground a little better?

Edited by MR_TiGGer
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