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Took the plunge - Savage 25 LIMITED EDITION!


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It will get easier. After break in and once its tuned and had a couple of litres through it it will be easy to start.

Priming is the big things with these engines, do it right and it will start, get it wrong and you either have nothing in the carb or a cylinder full of fuel.

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I'm actually getting sick of this, the engine only stays running if i knock it at full throttle, engine stops if there is little (near mid) or no throttle.

And it pours a load of nitro via the exhaust.

I'm seriously in some form of regret

Sorry to hear your having such problems, don't let it get to you though :) I'm new to this too, I found when I ran mine in it was very easy to flood the engine because the factry needle settings were so rich. when you flood the engine a lot of fuel will go to the exhaust and because of this it seemed to develope more back pressure which in turn pressuresed the fuel tank more and sent even more fuel to the carb, a sort of vicious circle. what I did was to tip the car up and down to get the fuel out of the exhast pipe, removed the glow plug and the fuel tube to the carb and turn the engine over whilst holding a bit of kitchen roll on top of the engine to catch the fuel which will shoot out where the glow plug was. this should clear out the engine. put the glow plug and fuel line back, and try again. Be careful not to flood the engine, and try starting and running at 1/4 throttle. Once you have run it in you can start tuning and it will get easier B)


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If it is a roto start give it a blast on a charger just to eliminate that possibility. The roto start doesn't have to die much before it won't kick the engine to life.

Thats about the extent of my knowledge so I'll have to let someone else help now.



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Its highly unlikely, but years ago I had a friend who had an HPI style glow plug battery thing, and he couldn't start his car, pulled out the glow plug popped it in the the thing glowed perfect, he nearly went insane couldn't figure out what was wrong, then tried putting the glow plug in the thing and turning it upside down(i.e. the same way it is when on the engine) AH HA there was a loose connection! it didn't glow when upside down!

Highly unlikely I know, but it can happen.

The glowplug needs to be glowing a sort of bright orange a dull red means the battery is running low.

Might be worth charging up all your batteries.

check all the needles on the engine are at factory settings

Check glow plug

check fuel lines for air dirt ect

If you are starting the engine on a block (wheels off the ground) don't turn on your TX or RX and set the throttle by moving the servo by hand to no less than 1/4 open. Once it starts you can reduce this by hand. I have found they don't like starting on tick over.

u need to be really organised with your kit everything to hand, and think about what your doing carefully

What fuel are u using?


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set the hsn to 4 turns out(anti clockwise) from fully closed(turned clocwise as far as it can), carb at 2mm

with an empty tank remove the gplug prime it and turn it over keep doin until theres no fuel in the engine at all - bone dry, tip it upside down to see if any fuel drips out

theres nothing wrong, you've flooded it

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is there fuel in the fuel line leadin to the carb? its hard to see, if there isn't you need to hold finger over exhaust and give it a tiny blast with roto until fuel has reached carb. Make sure your glow plug heater is giving a good orange glow too as they don't start well when there not glowing well


Edited by robbybo
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