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I am getting a?


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You might need different batteries from then the ones used on your sprint, do you use saddle or stick packs in it?

I would get a different esc too, and I motor with a wind more like 12t or 13t that will still give you plenty of speed and if its not enough then buy a cell battery pack (not sure if it will fit in the t4 though)

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Have to agree about the Factory team version.

You racing or just messing about with it? If racing, get the Factory team version, a 10x2 motor and a decent set of batteries and speedo and nothing can stop you on the track. Except another t4 of course!

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I have eletrics for it but getting lots of hop ups but don't no what to get in hop ups???  :helpsmilie:  :helpsmilie:  :helpsmilie:

Nothing, even if it's the basic t4 all the blue ali won't make a blind bit of difference, well not to people like us.

Spend your money on 3 good sets os cells, a descent charger, powerful servo, speed controller and a couple of mid range motors.

Throwing pound notes at pieces like ali is fine when you have nice electronics, otherwise it's a bit of a waste :)

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