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Spur again but different type of wear?

Sam C

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Hi just come back from park bacause my spur gear has gone in the middle where it goes onto the slipper plate it has melted to the plate in the middle so now i need a new spur n plate any ideas how this happedned? Could it be tht I put plate on wrong?

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This happened to me. Your spur gear was too loose on the slipper clutch, the slipper has slipped so much that the spur gear has heated and melted.

I actually melted the slipper plate into my spur gear. Just have it a bit tighter next time.


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set the spur 1 full turn out from fully tightend and see how it goes, if its a bit loose then tighten another 1/4 of a turn, most savvys like half a turn out from fully tighend mine like 1 full turn out

either way 1 full turn from fully closed is the slackest it should be.

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It moulds out a bit one side of the slipper plate? Should that be toward the spur gear?

it mold out on both sides? on mine one side was metal that was facin towards the gear box, if you had the other side (plastic) facin the gear box then yeh it would melt lol

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I think he means the spur itself theres a plactic molded rounded part on one side it should face outwards, I'd imagine if he put it on backward the molded part would melt with the friction?

thinks thats his answer

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If that was the wrong way round then the gears wouldn't mesh.

The reason I asked which part it was is because you said about one side being metal and the other side being plastic. The spur gear I have here is totally plastic and the only reason the slipper plate has plastic on it is because it melted on.


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god knows, mine had metal on the one side, both sides looked exactly the same but one was metal and one was plastic, if you put the plastic facing inwards it would melt but still mesh because both sides are exactly the same jus a different material

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The metal slipper plate was like a smooth metal on one sie and a rough metal on the other when i took it off first time and i put smooth part to spur gear

I just tried scraping the melted plastic off mine and both side seem to be pretty smooth. I would have thought the smooth side would go against the slipper pad or it would grip too much.


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Its smooth its just like a sharp coner on one side and a smooth corner on other if u know what i mean Ive just ordered 2 of modelsport checked part numbers firs tho :D

Ahhh now I see what your saying. The melted one I have here was the same, smooth side to spur gear.

When I got a new one I never looked at it, I just chucked it on. I can't see it making any difference though, it's such a slight difference.


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