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Big T

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Does anybody know anything about the Thunder Tiger EK4? I have seen so much about the Savage, and owned one, but I don't think I have heard anything about the EK4.

Does anybody on here own one?

The reason I am asking is that when I have a decent cash flow again I wouldn't mind getting one. I am missing having a monster truck now and this one really takes my fancy.


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is that the crappy thing you built with that weekly magazine?

EDIT - no it is'nt,its the ssk I was thinkin of, the s2 ek4 looks ok, dunno what they're like though

Edited by Mad Hatter
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The EK4 is the one that comes with the .70 engine. I thought they were quite good.

Modelsport were selling them in a sale at £300 just before I bought my Savage, but I didn't want to wait, so I phoned my lhs cos I knew they had one in stock and they wanted £620!!!!!! So I bought a Savage. I'm just too impatient.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well avoid it quite frankly. A friend owns one and apart from the astounding power the thing has it is so unreliable. The engine is a complete [CENSORED] to tune and worse then that he had to go and replace most of the screws as they keep falling out. The diffs are also weak.

It is a conversion basically from the Thunder Tiger buggy and apart from the massive engine it is a nusience.

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Well avoid it quite frankly.  A friend owns one and apart from the astounding power the thing has it is so unreliable.  The engine is a complete [CENSORED] to tune and worse then that he had to go and replace most of the screws as they keep falling out.  The diffs are also weak. 

It is a conversion basically from the Thunder Tiger buggy and apart from the massive engine it is a nusience.

Yeah I have now totally binned the idea of the EK4, cheers guys

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