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Battery indicator on LST


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Well after using soem AA batts on my LST i thought i should know how much power is left in them before i recharge them! So i wanted to buy this indicator:


One problem, it says to plug into spare servo on reciever but there isnt one with a stock LST. This mean il need to buy a 4channel reciever to use this?? :(


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I've got a failsafe but stupid thing is only there incase of reception interference, not voltage checks. I will be buying/making a battery pack which will be 6v 2400mah or more. How many runs would that roughly be? I just dont want to go out bashing and run a tank and then the batteries go low and i also dont want to keep recharging them every nite lol! Hmm,could always use a voltmeter before bashing though.

Edited by yoclick
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Right, get yourself a Venom failsafe-think it is £15. It will cut your Monster off when the batts are low or the radio gets messed with. Secondly buy yourself a flat pack reciever pack. You will get 10 runs from the tank before you notice it is going flat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well after using soem AA batts on my LST i thought i should know how much power is left in them before i recharge them! So i wanted to buy this indicator:


One problem, it says to plug into spare servo on reciever but there isnt one with a stock LST. This mean il need to buy a 4channel reciever to use this??  :(


Thats simple get a y harness and plug it in to you reciever with the power cord attached so the voltspy and end of power swith plug in to the y harness and the end of the y harness plugs into the reciever, hope you understand, bit of a tongue twister heh? :unsure:

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AA's at the mo, rechargable aswell. Need to upgrade soon but got soo many other things to buy (need another gallon of fuel, CV Rebuild set, some more glow plugs, Temp Gun, Diff cases and Dynamite linkage set).

Once i've got all those i can invest in a decent batt pack which i will probs make or buy a 5xAA = 6v 2400mah or more.

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You can get a reciever pack for about a tenner, it will be cheaper then having to buy new AA's-they are like £4 a pack!!!

I would have a reciever pack over a temperature gun and a linkage set.

My opinion only, but I went like this-Reciever pack, diff cases, spare arms and hubs, glow plugs-still only been through one!

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LoL really? Hmm decisions! The problem is my LST needs tuning and i have no idea what its doing so temp gun was high on my list and also the stock linkage is a nightmare and sticks sometimes which is very annoying.

Maybe instead of diff cases and the plugs il get batt pack (however il also need to spend another £10 on a charger).

Maan i love my LST! Just took it out and ran 2 tanks to try and tune and in the end i just bashed it lol. Now im all fueled out. I need some more 20% O'Donnell :P

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Bashing and i have tried at base settings but it cut off half way through second tank due to it overheating. So i have tried richening HSN by a full 1 1/2 turns and the revs didnt decrease as significantly as i thought. Might be an air leak or somthing but a temp gun will help me precisly find out what the problem is and make sure i dont need to keep richening it. Also at base settings it blew 2 plugs!

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Really? My truck kept its first plug for 2 gallons!!! Must have had a good un-so to speak!!

You should only richen your HSN in turns of 1 hour-you know on your watch? Turn it by 1 hour-give it a quick blast. Then turn another hour until the truck does not have any smoke coming out of the exhaust. When this occurs turn it anti-clockwise by 1 hour and the truck is tuned in. No need for a temp gun really.

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Nice thick smoke? You need some smoke coming out of the exhaust when it comes out of all cornors around a track or when you apply the throttle. If you go to the point where the engine is too lean, then slightly richen the engine it will produce the smoke.

The LST goes so much quicker when tuned properly.

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