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stock motors?

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Is the reedy mvp stock motor good and can it take 3700 batteries? or 3800?

if you have seen i have nearly made a thread for every electric part in an electric car so it should help peole out! :D

Yes it can take those batteries (7 max though). Do not buy the reedy though get something from team scream or vega ;)

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dont buy bog standard trinity motors..especially off ebay.

get a team scream motor..they are the muts, just type'team scream' into ebay and there should be some.

make sure its brand new though, not worth buying 2nd hand motors unless you know how the seller has treated it.

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but dont all the motor go the same speed? thats why the are all a certain amount of turns!

No! Certain ones will have different charateristics. The p2k2 has alot of torque, the monster based ones every1 is raving about is more higher revving. Therefore the p2k2 is good for tight tracks (gets you out the bends) the monster would be good for long flowing tracks. The different tuners get more out of the same motor compared to others, i have a monster and it is tuned by vega so will probably be better then one tuned by trinity.


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This is what team paradigm do to there stock motors to get the best out of them:

Every Signature Series motor is fully tuned using every technique possible to make a motor go faster. Below is a quick breakdown of what we do to each and every motor before it gets the Paradigm sticker put on it.

Manually Aligned Brush Hoods - Contrary to many peoples beliefs, aligning your brush hoods properly involves more than just sticking a bar through hoods. More info on how to properly align your brush hoods can be found by reading the instructions to our "Big Jim Series" Alignment Bar located on the tools page.

Reamed Bushings - Bushings are one of the biggest factors in stock motors. To maximize the performance of them, we ream out the holes in the bushings to reduce friction and increase power. (Does not apply for 19 turn motors with bearings).

Polished Bushings & Shaft - Each bushing and armature shaft is polished using our specially formulated polish. This makes the bushing act as closely to a bearing as possible. (Does not apply for 19 turn motors with bearings).

Cut Commutator - Every armature is cut using out top of the line custom designed motor lathe to ensure a perfect surface finish.

Armature Straightening Process - Most people are unaware that virtually no armature is straight when is comes from the factory. We correct every armature using our custom armature straightening process before we do anything on the motor.

Zapped Magnets - Stronger magnets mean more power. That is why we zap each and every can before we ship it out. Zapping the magnets will also correct the offset polarity of any magnets that are not perfectly aligned during the manufacturing process.

Re-Balanced Armatures - Sad but true, armatures are very poorly balanced during the manufacturing process. We rebalance every armature before we even test the motor. This ensures that you will have maximum power when the motor is spinning at its highest RPMs.

Pre-Broken In Motors - All motors and brushes are properly broken in before it goes in the package. This means that all you need to do when you get you new motor is bolt it in the car and go!

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i never tried a p2k2 so can't comment on it.

a monster has a lot of torque, better for tight tracks and/or indoor tracks

ROAR has more rpm but a bit less torque so its better for longer and more flowing tracks.

atlas based motors are the new one that are being tuned by companies such as TS...have slightly more torque than the ROAR but roughly the same RPM, so best of both worlds..best motor i've run so far. (well in stock obviously)

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