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Giga Crusher


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Modelsport told me that Kyosho no longer supply to europe?

I've been looking at the giga crusher (twin engine) and it looks so sweet, I was really interested.

The I saw this: Giga Crusher DF OPT Force


Its the same as the giga chrusher but with some alloy hopups, the twin giga crusher is still being sold as far as I'm aware in the UK via ripmax for £575 so I don't know what modelsport are on about.

However I can't find the OPT Force version anywhere apart the overseas, has anyone been able to track one of theses puppies down?

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theres a 3 speed available?

what version u seen the normal tin or the opt force

edit - they are 3 speed,did'nt notice lol

They come with a three speed!! :D These things really do shift-fast as the LST for sure and if you can tune it in then it is an awesome bit of kit!! Kyosho is one of the best nitro brands out there-so I am not sure what you are referring to Mel? :unsure:

If you can get one and are confident in hadling the twin engines then get one.

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