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I'm gonna get a sav 4.6 but know nothing about radio gear

I can get hold of the transmitter and receiver from a stock savage 25, then I was planning on just buying 2 hitec servos.

any probs with the above?

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Not really, but wouldnt you like to upgrade your radio gear, there is some nice sets on the market, such as sanwa/hi tec/ ko ect ect, its upto you, but youll find upgrading to some thing abit more expensive will have its benefits. Its completly upto you though.

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Plus with the added features you do gain, you will find less interfernce, longer range things like this, you could push the boat out and go for the spectrum which is a very nice set, im currently running it on my sanwa and it works lovly, no more crystals, only thing is its not brca approved so if you want to rave u cant use it as of yet.

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Well if you race in a club with uses the brca rulings, they havent approved the radio yet, small clubs might not mind but if entering national racers there could be problems with using it, if you read up on the radio youll see that it uses a different type of radio signal, 2.4ghz to be precist, meaning it doesnt use crystal ect ect.

Edited by Hawkeye
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Yeh but a new computer based radio will be alot better and well worth doing, especially the spektrum, no more crystal or interfernce, and i know its abit of a layout but youll enjoy it more, the 3 speed isnt that great ive heard on the savage so its upto you big fella

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thats a vicious rumor!

I had the 3 speed in a sav 21 it was sweet, been driving my bros 4.6 with a 3 speed in the states - hense why I'm getting one.

HPI rule!

normally I would buy new radio gear but my cash is dissapearing quick with the move to the US and back to the UK, I'm trying to save a bit.

Suppose I could get the free stock reciever and radio use em and get better stuff later if I want to.

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price of crystals just depends on which radio you have. maxbashing might allow the spectrum but i was mentioning it in the context, of brca races, its the smae with alot of things, tyres being used, pipes, additives, things like this are all monitroed in brca racing.

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What are the servos like that come with the spectrum, would the be man enough to run on a T-maxx ?

I've been looking at the hitec's as a replacement to the stock ones, but if the ones with the spektrum would be as good they I might be tempted by it.

Edited by Toffeenut
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i just bought the spektrum dsm module, for my radio, so i didnt get any servos, but i would say there going to be of fair qaulity, more suited to on road, but you are getting a high torque, i would give them a go.

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