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Which FG Modelsport for off roading


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Ive had my t maxx for a good 5 years, i love the thing but its showing its age. recently ive started looking for another off roader and i noticed the fg range. which FG offroader would you say is best?. and also are FG Models good? im asking this because its really hard to get information on these products (FG)

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It depends on what your doing really. The Fg monster will probably be the best at off-roading but it dpends on whay your doing, driving through grass? Or rock climbing. Me personally would go with another nitro. A whole new world of nitro monster trucks have arrived, light years better than the T-Maxx. Let us know more specifically of your needs and we can point you in the right direction.

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heres some info from an FG owner <_<

i had the Monster beetle which is the same as the MT in terms of handling, and i hated it, it always tipped up and was always stripping spur gears and breaking rear hubs because of the big wheels, they put a LOT of stress on the chassis, so i changed the MB into a mrader and it was so much better at hanling, it has more grip on grass, mud, tarmac anything, i also have less breakages and more fun, so IMO id go with a marder, you can always convert to an MT or MB if you want to, but i beleive you would be most happiest with a marder, and you wont be forking out £17 for a new spur gear everytime you run it

if you need anymore info on FG's add me to msn

Edited by Monstrous
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I just want something that is good over all terrains. i go everywhere with my truck so it should be ok on all surfaces. want it to be fairly tough so when an accident happens it will survive. and also i thought these fg petrol trucks may need less maintainance that what my tmaxx needs. are petrol r/c easier to maintain and tune?

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they sure are a lot less maintainance than your tmaxx, and once youve broken the engine in and set the needles, you will never have to worry about it again

and no matter what FG you get they are all strong so its all down to personal preference

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