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Spurs and bells for my Savage 25


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been looking at This says its

made of Derlin, super light weight, durable and precise for replacing the stock plastic frigile main gear. Delrin as known as plastic steel, it looks like its a plastic but in fact its alot durable than the stock main gear.

as any one used them.

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You shouldn't need anything but the standard stuff LEE, you obviously know your stuff with RC's so you will no doubt set it up properly and wont break it. If it's not set up right then that stronger ones wont help (you can see the damage I did to a titanium one).

What ratio are you going for?


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  • 2 weeks later...

for some reason i keep melting the middle out of my spur gear but i was havin a chat with the guys at my lhs and they lock there spur gear by doing up the nut all the way and stopping the slipper clutch from working so im gonna give that a go, just hope it does not damage the diff

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yeah well it died in the end but i would of expected that after what it went through. lasted alot longer though and had alot less problems so i think im gonna do that all the time now. i am gonna keep using the 47 tooth spur gear aswell because that seemed better. another thing i noticed im not sure if it is hpi who put the price up but a spur gear now costs me £6 instead of £4.50 so i think i am gonna keep buyin them from JeSpares (found on ebay) because he only charges £8 for 2 posted and they turn up next day.

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