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Which Monster Truck!


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Agree with you there salman its ok in my nitro 4 tec but for a monster truck i doubt it, but i notice it to be very loud (im use to electric).

The emaxx is easy to get hop-ups for- even modelsport sell alot.

Edited by adamking
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LoL. I like the theory of them HAVING to get used to it and if they dont like it...so what?!?! :lol:

They cant do anything :P

The revo doesnt even have enough torque to go up a hill :blink:

LSt all the way....

If you gte a LST i suggest you get Spare Arms, thats all.....

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also can you really be botherd to tune it up, change settings low speed, high speed e.c.t, with electric charge then play, just went around the garden with my emaxx, and i got a good 20min run, and lots off crashes with out any damages.

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I like the look of the AC/DC chargers. Hook it up to a car battery charging batts while driving others! Sounds not bad. How long do you rekon E-Maxx parts will be around for? If its long enough; then hey, il buy one and after a year or so when i have a job, i could always upgrade, move to the countryside and buy a 3 engined Savage just to make noise!

Oh and is this any good:


I cant see many E-Maxxs on ebay brand new (well only one!). Also if i buy from america i need to ask them to send as a gift which is reason why through ebay.

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I doub't they will discontinue emaxx hopups by the end of the year, so plenty of time, to get stocked up, get a gorilla g2 chassis 1st, then if your ready a hot brushless system.

can't see the 'SO MANY EXTRAS'

but a very cheap price, remember u may get import tax, which can be like £50

Edited by adamking
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What is the gorilla g2 chassis? Any links? Or is it just to convert the E-Maxx to hold the single brushless motor?

Also i asked the guy and he will send it as a gift. THis means i wont pay Import TAX... :P

Thats what i did with 2 mini-ts which i ordered (and then the stupid servo problem occured with one of them!)

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Look very nice but thats £170 without even buying a new brushless motor! Add the motor and its double the price i payed for the truck....Expensive stuff!

Oh btw, are the E-Maxx vids on Traxxas's site of STOCK E-Maxxs? They look pretty quick...

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lol im getting brainwashed by everyone! I would have gone E-Maxx if it was fairly new because electric truck does really fit my circumstances better; however the truck is soooo old that i have this strong feeling spares will soon be hard to come by (which they are at the mo!)

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Hahaha this is like a competition between the two of you! Ones saying LST and one for E-Maxx....and il go for SAVAGE! lol just kiddin B)

I think i will keep watching ebay and whichever i feel has a better deal wins! So LST or E-Maxx...here we go! :D

OOhh moomins got a Samsung phone..have you got the T100 by any chance?

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Watch out getting a second hand emaxx, the previous owner could have done continuous slams on the throttle reverse to accerate e.c.t, this damages the esc and the drivetrain, especially if the slipper was set tight.

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