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Someone Help me please..


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Can someone please help me with my two nitro cars. I've had them for some years now but i've got them back out now and dont know how to start them up.

I have tried and tried to start them up.....

they was working before i put them away!

i have changed fuel.....

i tried everything, throttle, and all the other bits....

got two

mta4 thunder tiger

hpi rtr3

both wont start...

tried everything people have told me?!

is there any one around the lancashire area who can help me, willing to travel..

neep help :(

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well it could be a number of thing's.....

have you removed the glow plug and see if it glow's when attached to the glow plug ignitor? glow plug ignitor charged fully?

reset factory setting's on carb needle's ....

ensure engine is primed sufficiently.....

my fund's are on glow plug and a re-tune :)

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well it could be a number of thing's.....

have you removed the glow plug and see if it glow's when attached to the glow plug ignitor? glow plug ignitor charged fully?

reset factory setting's on carb needle's ....

ensure engine is primed sufficiently.....

my fund's are on glow plug and a re-tune :)

i would say the same!!

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