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4.6 Q's

Opium Jo

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I've got a 4.6 on the way and was wondering how hard they are to build? I've never done it before but took my 21 apart loads of times for repairs, are they the same?

The only problem I really have with the savage is the clutch.

Would you recommend a 3 speed tranni with the 4.6 or should I say is it worth getting one


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i have only just finished building mine a few weeks ago and they are pretty easy to build, they are like the 21 except they come with most of the upgraded parts like the diffs but you do not have to build them they come pre built and yeah the clutch is a pain in the arse. not sure about the 3 speed but i might look at buying it

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They are an ace truck, I got my 4.6 at about the same time as Mel.

2 tips :

1: Get yourself a piston block and a deep 10mm 1/4" socket for doing the clutch, also make sure you only use the 1 collet rather than the 2 that the manual says and put the nut on the right way around or it will not tighten properly.

2: When the manual says "the gearboxes are built in the factory skip to section 25" DONT!. you'll miss out installation of the slipper clutch and brakes.

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The dedign of the truck is the same, but the 4.6 just has upgraded parts, like the servo saver, HD Drivetrain, spider diffs etc etc. Some parts of the instructions are incorrect, but you should be ok, and if you get stuck, i'm sure theres plenty of people around here willing to help.

If you already have a good understanding about the savage, i'm sure you won't have any chew :)

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I have almost finished the build of my ss 4.6, and enjoying it very much.

Lol, I have to agree with '7zark7', I skipped to section 25 as the book said, and well, it’s made an easy task of fitting the duel brake into a slightly fiddly one now. All good fun!

I’m going to get the 3 speed gears later on, if I think it needs it.

Ummm, not sure what colour im painting the shell, or indeed what design, iv never painted a shell before.

I will most likely buy a second shell to have some fun with first.

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you still whining about that clutch, Mel  :D 

or is it that you have a whining clutch....I cant remember :P  :P

lol yeah, i have got the alley clutch shoes comin in now so i can have some fun with them :P

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