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What do I buy?


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What do I buy?

1; S/h 1 yr old T-MAXX £220 lhs

2; A Thunder Tiger SSK V2 £270 lhs

3; Non of the above and save for something bigger and better

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save up for something bigger and better.

tbh i'd go with the revo..just because its got cool suspension :lol:

nah....seriously, the TT isn't particulaly good, the tmaxx is outdated and there ist eh savage, LST, revo etc which you can pick up fairly cheap s/h

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I know that the T-MAXX is getting on a bit now, but I was thinking in terms of use-ability/simplicity. To be honest tho, I don't know whether the shop still has the s/h maxx.

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Save up for something a bit better, a second hand savvy probably won't set you back that much, and there tough as old boots, the lst's a cracking truck, but will be a bit more, also the revo is definately worth a look-in, personally i would steer clear of the maxx......

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do not get the ssk it really aint very good,t.maxx from lhs will atleast give you some back-up.i hate savages they are slow and cumbersom but they are strong and can be hopped up like a t.maxx as much as you want.i would go for something with a .21 or above engine wise mgt are good and strong but fewer hop-ups.

thats mt opinion.

no truck should be completely avoided but some are better than others.

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I agree the ssk looks a bit glum and not very fast or jumpable. The tmaxx can get a .21 drop in with out the extra cost of a conversion and still be cheaper than buying a mgt for example and still be as fast or faster.

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