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Are they worth buying ?

My son has decided he wants a monster truck and was toying with the idea of a T-Maxx. But they are only 1/10 scale and the hoboa is 1/8, also i would assume being a Ho-Bao would make it a reliable truck..

Correct me if I am wrong :D

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I was going to get one as my first nitro but people said it has crap suspension and would needed to be hopped up to make good (to race i presume). As you might already know its a truggy. As a first truck i'd get a tmaxx as is wey more of a truck and its just as big (i will have one in a week or so for sale)

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I wont be buying one for a while as it is going tob e a birthday or christmas present for my son. ( so it will have to be new) :)

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