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Best tires

Big T

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What do you consider to be the best tires for use on soft dry sand, wet sand, mud, dust and a little bit of tarmac?

Or would I be better getting a couple of sets?

One place I go to has the mud and dust and the other is on the beach (BIG BIG dunes)



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Paddles are great for sand, nothing better. In mud they'd have way too much grip, but as long as it's wet mud they'd be okay. Dust and tarmac and they'll just wear like crazy.

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Paddles are great for sand, nothing better. In mud they'd have way too much grip, but as long as it's wet mud they'd be okay. Dust and tarmac and they'll just wear like crazy.

could'nt agree more,there rubbish on tarmac , won't last 5 mins.... well these hotbodies crap I have won't

Edited by Mad Hatter
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got the 3 speed, i actually think the truck is faster wen using em, although they seriously add weight to the truck i notice no loss of performance at all.

mine are worn a bit now,be picking up a new set soonish

Edited by Mad Hatter
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