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4.6 running on a 3 speed transmission?

Hpi recommend 17/47, I'm lookin for the best balance between the two - fast acceleration good top speed.



I will be using an STS .28 (4.66cc)with a 3 speed box very soon...I have been recomended to use the 18/47 or 19/47 config to keep the wheelies down a bit. But failing that go for the Savage body extension to lengthen it to keep a bit more weight on the front end, but this will cost you a bit, can't remember where I saw it now.

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yeah i'd stick with 47/17 mate go up to 18 and 19 tooth and your being well hard on the clutch (and it will get hotter). i've gone down to a 16/47 to try and save my clutch abit and to improve the off the line speed a bit. To stop it wheeling i've used the lcg tvps and set my shocks up to soak up the wheelie. ;)

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can u control the wheelies if you accelerate slower (with the trigger)

Do you mean do a controlled wheelie if you accelerate slower? OR do you mean if you accererate more slowly you can control if you do a wheelie or not? If you mean the latter of cause you can you just don't pull the trigger back as quickly???

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