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LRP Z.28R or STS .28

Big T

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Hi all,

Of the above engines which is the better engine for power AND reliability?

Are there any other engines in the same sort of price range that are better and as easily available? If there is could you post a link to where I could get them please.



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I know theres a new LRP Z 28 out and i don't know much about them but the older version is the same engine as the sh28(has the same insides just a different style cooling head and crankcase mould. I had my LRP in Sept last year and it still drives VERY strong, starts easily and holds a tune well. My only concern is if the new LRP Z28 are using the same metals as the recent sh engines have. :unsure:

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The STS is a fantastic engine, awesome power, very very very well made, immaculate inside, easy to get hold of parts for and very cheap on the whole, cannot fault this engine one little bit :)

Can I get a roto-start back plate for the STS?

I read somewhere that the STS was the same as the SH, and I've read that the SH has some serious problems. Is any of that true or have I just got my wires crossed?


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SH is not, and has never been the same as the SH. The SH is made By Golden Lion Engines, who make the Mach.26 and XTM Range of engines, the STS is made by Yien Bong Hardware Inc and the have been producing engines since the early 90's, so they know there stuff ;) Your right, the SH does have issues with the conrod, mine went down the same route, the sts however does not have any issues i know of, and as for the roto start backplate, i have one in my possesion ;) You arn't supposed to have them yet, but i can get me hands on em fella ;):)

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SH is not, and has never been the same as the SH.

Cheers for that Merlin. You might want a look at this, so you can give the guy grief about false advertising.


Not too much grief though cos he is very quick at delivering parts (I've bought a couple of Savage parts)....lol

Cheers again,


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Well I missed both engines on ebay :(

BUT......I just noticed how cheap the Collari .30 is in America......$209 which is about £114

Is this right or am I just going mad (perfectly possible)

Can anyone advise me on a Model shop over there to use and roughly how much would I be to get it sent to me?????



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Yo Tony, i normally pay about $190-$200 for the collari, plus $34 EMS Shipping, if you are going to get one, get the roto-sdtart version!!! ;)

If you want an STS i can get you one fron over here, about £90, free postage. If you need any more info mate, just drop me PM ;)

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Hi all,

Of the above engines which is the better engine for power AND reliability?

Are there any other engines in the same sort of price range that are better and as easily available? If there is could you post a link to where I could get them please.



I just got an STS last week, Im currently running it in & I must say i'm well impressed with build quality. I can't wait to get it tuned up! I'e heard great things about this engine its got awsome torque! I thinks my Savvy will break well before the engine gives!

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