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Fuel make?


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being new to these Monster Trucks (Savage 4.6) I was wondering what make of fuel you guys use?

I`m currently using Model techics @ 25% only because thats what was supplied with the RTR pack i got when I ordered my Savage..

i dont want a full scale debate on which fuel is best (reading other posts) :blink:

but would like a pointer in the right direction........

and does anyone know any lhs that stock COOL POWER FUEL (as this is the brand i use in my helicopters) it hasnt got such a spirity smell out of the bottle like this car fuels have or are they different???? :unsure:

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Personally i use O'Donnell 25% Race mix, i think its superb, if i can't get o'donnell, i use tornado 25% :)

Exactly as above, have also used prosynth, it was good, ran the engine nice and cool but I didn't like so much oil everywhere. Modeltechnics is crap, used it once, never again.........

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Blue Thunder is pretty much one of the worst fuels available. It coats the engine in this stuff that does absolutly nothing for it apart from clog it up, makes it damm near impossible to tune and bungs the exhaust up. As someone has mentioned before anyone running Blue Thunder always had loads more issues with their engines than everyone else.

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Blue thunder is made by dynamyte, who re-badge the Mach.26 which is in the lST, thats why they are pushing it. Its a Crap fuel, i've herd of loads of cases were its making the one way slip due to the high castor oil content, and it stains the internal components of you engine.

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i use "magnum 20% helicopter fuel" its the best fuel i ever used, i tryed blue thunder, ran one tank a fuel and threw the rest away (what a waste of good money), tryed model technics but that is just a messy nasty goop.....lol

but this stuff is awsome, runs wonderfully, engine runs at a good temp, vertualy no build up of oily goop. tbh i wont use anything else again :)

Edited by wyntrblue
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