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3 speed tranny


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Anyone know if the 3 speed tranny for the savage is any good?????

I know makers claims of 10%, 10% ,10% speed accelleration and torque, but has anyone got one fitted and are they all they are cracked up to be?????????

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My first impression of the 3-speed box wasn't that good TBH, i defiantely noticed more bottom end and torque right through, but it just meant for more wheelies, and the truck was difficult to lay the power on, but after having a little tinker with the shift points, and mainly seeing it up against a 2-speed 4.6, it is DEFINATELY quicker all round, i am now putting one also in the collari .30 sav i'm building because of this :)

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Yep, well you could always get the kit for 45 but I'd rather pay an extra 15 quid and get a whole gearbox. (I've seen it around for 60 quid).

Basically you'd get a car thats 10% faster, and has 10% more tourque, but because of the revised gear 2 you get a massive differance in mid end speed/tourque, oh, and you have the coolness of it shifting twice :D

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