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ANyone found this problem with the braking, they are way too sensitive?

Anyways, I have toned the braking down a tad on the radio and now the brakes refuse to work at all :blink: WHich is a bit of a problem with such a hfast and heavy truck,. I have tried to put the braking back on via the radio but it refuses to work-any suggestions?

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i dont have an lst but i presume that the throttle arm is attacthed to the main accelerate brake servo. what i would do is remove the throttle bar, reset the servo by turning on the hand set and reciever in the car, then reattatch, make sure it all works and try again. Thas what i did to my Rush evo and it worked fine. Other ideas could you have melted the brakes together - this would only be the case if the truck refused to move.

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