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Which motor for £50 - £70


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Speed = Less run time.

A very good 10t motor will cost you £50 and get you upto 40mph with ease, but you will probably only get 8 minutes run time. A good 19t motor will cost you £30 and give you nice speeds of around 35mph and 12minute run time.

Thats an estimate, I would say, get some good 3300 with that £50.

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Speed = Less run time.

A very good 10t motor will cost you £50 and get you upto 40mph with ease, but you will probably only get 8 minutes run time. A good 19t motor will cost you £30 and give you nice speeds of around 35mph and 12minute run time.

Thats an estimate, I would say, get some good 3300 with that £50.

a 10T won't last 8 minutes on any batteries unless you gear it really low or use it in a 12th scale.

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Yeh, not sure why I put that as my 11t only lasts 5 minutes. :blink:

Problem with having a low turn motor and budget batteries is that you get little power from them too, slower speeds aswell as bad runtime.

I think a good 19t motor would be best.

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