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Savage Steering Servo


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635 would be better than the 2055. Personally I'd use neither of them unless I had to because they will struggle to turn the wheels and they'll strip gears. I use a hitec 645.

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If you haven’t already bought it then I'd advise against it. I bought the 645 but am quite disappointed with it. It doesn't really offer an improvement over the stock one and is still not strong or fast enough for the weight of the Savvy. I am going to be buying a better one soon.

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If you'd bought a Losi LST then there wouldn't be any need to upgrade.

Oh well-keep with your Savage.

Not even got the Savage yet but after months of waying up the truck I want I've finally ordered a Savage SS 4.6, should have it tommorow. I only drive RC for fun so performance is not a big problem for me, I only chose the Savage because I liked the look and there are lots of nice toys available for it.

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A 645 is perfectly fine, phenomenal for 20 quid. I use it with me 4.6, and because of the lighter wheels/tyres it's great, maybe with a heavier combo it might struggle but if your not looking to splash out too much its great. Almost 10kg of tourque at 6V!

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7.7 kg in terms of a servo is very noticable in comparison to a 10kg servo.

It depends what you're happy with really. Personally I don't lile the fact that it still takes half a road for me to turn round and the servo still can't turn the wheels into a hill.

I can't suggest anything else as I havn't tried any others but if you look on the internet you can find all the stats of various servos.

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A 645 is perfectly fine, phenomenal for 20 quid. I use it with me 4.6, and because of the lighter wheels/tyres it's great, maybe with a heavier combo it might struggle but if your not looking to splash out too much its great. Almost 10kg of tourque at 6V!

Where are they £20???

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US, or 30 from the UK.

Samari my steering is VERY good, my wheels get 3/4 of the way just sat still on the gound and my turning circle is very goood for a savage. You sure your servo's okay? You running a hump pack? 7.7KG at 4.8V or with a hump pack 9.6KG.

Digital servos are very good, however they cost a bomb and drain the batterys like theres no tommorrow.

Oh, and the 645 has metal gears whereas the others you said in your first post, don't.

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My servo works better than the bluebird for some reason?! Are you using the cam type servo saver? See if your steering is being impeded by anything, if so do some trimming.

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Yeah the 645 is a good servo if you don't want to spend to much, works alot better with the new style cam servo saver you'll have with your new ss rather than that naff old style one that used to be supplied with the savage.

Sure there are better ones out there but the 645 will be fine for bashing around with, just make sure that you get a 6v hump pack too.


Rob B)

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