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as u all know i put a post up bout my gearbox in my scoob being knarkerd well i found out wot the problem waz al the teeth on the gears had grounded down nd now ive fixed it nd it took me 4 hours

NOW it runs like a dream

heres a pic of it



P.S. soon i will av a pic of the lamborghini shell nd i decided to paint it green

(cam not working thts y its late)

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yeh the car is very easy to work on so 4 hour, how the hell did it take you that long, i took me about 2 mins to split the chassis on my tl01.

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i had people bothering me. my m8 (not fatboy) trying to help me but he knows nothing also my dad had cleaned some of the bearings and chassis and he left some of peices all around his garage

p.s had fatboy ringing me up to help him

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it took me bout 10 mins to replace a rear wishbone on my mr-4tc when half the screws with rounded allon heads on the screws and a few cross-threaded ones from the previous owner

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4 hours? on saturday night, half ****** i fitted my tc4 with a graphite kit (replacing every plastic part with graphite apart from chubs and gearcases) in less then an hour.

i can rebuild the whole car in about 2-2hrs30

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with cross threaded screws u just hav to keep working with them and with flattened allon heads the best thing to do is cut the end off the allon key to get a good shape which sometimes helps but if there not going to come out you have to drill them out.

and that reminds me how do u get a piece of plastic out of the clips that you push onto the ball with the hole in the middle, my anti-roll bars hav got one in & i want to fit them

Edited by kieran
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With some Tamiyas they come with hundreds of bits and when your building them as a kit out of the box new, it takes a long itme. Took me a good 5 hours to complete my Tamiya King Blackfoot - it had so many pieces! Was a joke.

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All kits take time to build, my Xray took about 5 or so hours, but I was making sure it all fitted perfectly. But when I built a TT01, it only took 2 hours, everything just slotted together. :D

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when i build a car for the first time..i take my time with so so i know where everything goes, so it gets built right and make sure nothing binds but after the first time....i just about know the car inside out.

like if you gave me a tc4 now without a manual, i could build it in a couple of hours.

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