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So much speed!


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Well, I'm glad to say that my buggy has easily exceeded 40mph (11t double, ripmax no-limit esc, mid ranged gearing) but it only runs for 5 minutes max. Anyone reccomend some decent 6 cell nicad 7.2 - 9.6v battery packs to make it run for a longer period (preferably 15 - 20 pounds each)


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Well, I'm glad to say that my buggy has easily exceeded 40mph (11t double, ripmax no-limit esc, mid ranged gearing) but it only runs for 5 minutes max.  Anyone reccomend some decent 6 cell nicad 7.2 - 9.6v battery packs to make it run for a longer period (preferably 15 - 20 pounds each)


Check ebay your decent 3000's and 3300's packs. I think you can buy some unassembled gp 3300's for about £25

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Check ebay your decent 3000's and 3300's packs. I think you can buy some unassembled gp 3300's for about £25

dont really want unassembled. Can I put them 3000 / 3300 packs into a DF02 chassis?

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stick. I dont really want saddle, cos i dont know what they are :D I just had a look around ebay, they look good. Pretty cheap too.


These should give you pretty good run times and are already to go and new only £15 too.


Theres an unbranded set they should be ok too. I would'nt go for a 9.6v battery though that will burn out your motor, 8.4v max but its not really needed and I don't think a 8.4v would fit in your chassis anyway.

Edited by Hpi_matrix_stock
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I've heard NiMh cells don't provide as much power as NiCd. Instead you get longer equal powered run-times

Ni-cads have the ability to discharge themselfs quicker then nimh but the maximum capcity they have been made to is 2400mah, they are good if you do stock racing and need maximum power but for bashing and most other things Nimh are better because they have bigger capcitys and dont suffer from the memory effect the Nicads do. Nimh are almost just as good know I think I it would be hard to tell the difference unless you are a really serous racer. Loft also wanted longer run times thats why I suggested Nimh. What batteries are you using at the mo btw lofty.

Edited by Hpi_matrix_stock
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the batts u really want are Gp 3300 NIMH matched cells for about £25-30. they provide huge amounts of power and they dont melt or randomly stop giving a lot of power like Ni-cd batteries do.

Go 7-cells with GP3300 and you start to fly baby B)

...if only i had a rustler

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also, when you said 'well over 5 minutes i think', do you mean that like 'well, over five minutes' as in only just or 'well over 5 minutes' as in far past it?

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