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Electric vs. Nitro


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You can either get brushless or a low wind electric motor that will get close to a nitro. Depends on the quality of the engine. If its a crappy kyosho it wont take much to beat it.

So it depends on the quality of motor or engine for one to be faster than the other. The WR is held by on electric at 111mph, but if you compare a stock electric to stock nitro, nitro will win everytime

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i suppose where your talking about (ie. track or car parks) and what car against what car! at my local club electric pull in faster times that nitro becuase the track isnt very wide and the electric cars can turn faster :D

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lol i have a TS4N, and i cant stand it, it annoys me so much, its quick as its got the two speed kit on it, but i still prefer my leccie car :D :D

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fair enough the world reccords are held by leccys. but look at the extreems you have to go to. to get them that fast.

not really..i had a basic 12t V2 in my car around www.halifaxtrack.co.uk one sunday at a practise and there wasna n 8th and a 10th (200mm foam) on the track at the same time.

i was actually having to back off through the corners for the 200mm foam because if i went around any faster i would of gone straight up the back end of it.

the 8th was very quick but i was still keeping with it...wasn't having to back off but i still kept close to it..and anybody thats seen a decent driver at the wheel of an 8th will know how fast they can corner.

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If you want speed. Then electric with some money is the one! If you are short on money, nitro.

My E-Maxx has already cost me a good £500 in preperation for Brushless, but when it is done, it shall whoop any nitro. ;)

My TC3 goes 40mph with an 11t motor with high gearing for top speeds, its crazy! The motor was only £30 too but you need a speed control that can handle it and not to forget good batteries.

So if you have a big budget, or patient at building something up abit by bit with what money you can lay your hands on - go electric. If you are short on money and want a fast RC as soon as possible go nitro - all nitros are probably faster than any stock electric.

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Ah, what I was saying out of the box, nitros are faster. :)

As you need to spend good amount of money on a motor, speed control and differentials to make it faster than a nitro.

So yes, if you have the money to hop an electric up to the max and get a hot motor in it, you would hammer nitros. :D

Seen a E-Maxx with a motor the size of a Coke can hitting 70mph+. Got a video of it attached...


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Nope, normally come with a "Tamiya" 540 can motor, which are real slow. Although alot come with 19t motors now and there not bad, my TC3 RTR did a good 25mph - which is rather quick still.

Although I have a 11t in mine now and it is real fast!

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