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Very hot and not lean


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Finally got the pullstart and fitted it.Started it but only would start with alot of throttle i dont no why.ran it around the garden for a half of a tank and i let go of the throttle and it cut off it kept cutting of if i brake or let go of the throttle and it was hot,my hsn is about 1and a half turns in from flush and my lsn is about 3/4 turns in from flush,and it still produces alot of smoke so it isnt lean,Why is it so hot??and why does it cut of when i brake or release throttle??

Edited by dgreat001
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Yea make sure your carb is open 2mm at brake/idle, if you still have the problem turn your idle needle clockwise 1/8th of a turn until it's fine. May be running hot because you are revving alot and not moving very fast (I assume you have a small garden), and the only cooling these cars have is wind.

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Yea, Take it apart but make sure you go slowly with the Screwdriver....

if you go too fast when taking it apart it may damage somat.....

Slow and steady....

And Follow the Manual!

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Right took the carb apart started taking it apart from the lsn still was sticking then took the idle screw off and the was abit of dirt on the under side cleaned it off and sprayed wd-40 every where and now it slides smooth, the only other thing is that the fuel tank stops it from opening fully, since ive got the ribbed pipe the fuel lines are stretching so its pulling the tank across, all I need to do is buy a fuel line, does it matter if the fuel line is longer or short or should there be a exact length for both of them??

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It was something wrong with the throttle linkage. it now opens fully but when I brake theirs a 2mm gap same as idle but when I release the brake the carb is half open, but when I give throttle then release it goes back to a 2mm gap, also I took the fuels lines of the fuel tank so it was sitting comfortably and it stops the carb from opening fully.Why??

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ok I don't know the part name but u know the little star or L shaped thing on the servo that the throttle arm is attached to.....

it might be called a servo horn or something?

anyway tighten the screw on it that might sort it out.

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take the servo horn off and re set the trim position to dead center. when it is at center put the servo horn on making sure that the carb is open about 1-2mm. loosen the screw on the bit where the arm attaches to the servo horn if you can. :D

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