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Most cars dont. Some motors/speedos can be fitted with a heatsink much like the kind you find on the head of a nitro engine. A fairly modern feature now being seen is small electrical fans that run off of the battery socket on the reciever and cool either the motor or speedo. The chassis' on most electric cars are fairly open to the surrounding air anyway.

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jus asking cos I have a crappy electric Nikko thing and it gets hotish so I imagine the proper electric rc's generate some heat, fans sound cool! but won't the put a drain on yer batteries? giving you less running time?

Edited by dazzi220
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I've not tried one personally, but have been told that they use next to now power from the cells. The fans are actualy brushless to :P , or atleast the ones i have seen are.

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brushless = this means a motor that does not use a hard metal brush to send power to the motor, they also require no maintanence unlike brushed motors.

the current drain from a 5v fan will be un noticeable on your run time you may find a little better tbh as the motor will be more better at running when cool.normaly they are laptop fan units that are installed they run a 3v-5v supply.

cars do get hot most of the time its due to gearing the car too high for the motor that is installed but this is not a bad thig as the air flow around and under the car helps to cool the inside down


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the cells and motors also have holes in the chassis under them (and in the cells case it sits on a ladder) so it is cooled by the air from under :)

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I'd like to get into electric but theres too much to know,seems too complicated.

stick to nitro

Yes, Quite true.. it can be complicated... I mean all that knowledge about charge your batteries and stick them in your car.. Jeez how do we learn it all :lol:

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You can actually get a wide range of cooling.

Huge selection of heat sinks and fans, fans that attach on your motor endbell or over your ESC. Unlike Nikkos - proper hobby RCs are designed to avoid overheating and a very good at keeping cool, sometimes it might feel real hot, but that doesn't mean it will damage anything as alot of motors/ESCs can handle very high temperatures.

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