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Budget ESC's


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From my experience i'd avoid the mtroniks budget esc's and go for a LRP runner or nosram equivalent . It'll be worth the extra few quid as these run right down where the mtroniks have a cut off point so you cant get full use of the batteries. Latest nosram esc's here

Edited by djt
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Its hard to say what to get for £30.

There are several factors. ie do you need reverse? Is size important?

I have had experience of both nosram and Mtroniks.

My brothers mtroniks did fail.... Which is a bit worrying. However they did replace without any problem.

The mtroniks (eco 20 - forward and reverse) is much smaller then the nosram tomahawk (for/rev).

My major gripe with the tomahawk is how quick it goes into reverse. Causes a massive arc in the motor.

They do have some newer much smaller esc's tho - think its called the hawk.

If you can stretch to £40 id recomend the Novak XRS Sport. 15T Limit, fowards/reverse. And it doesnt shift into reverse unless you pull reverse back twice.

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Its hard to say what to get for £30.

There are several factors. ie do you need reverse? Is size important?

I have had experience of both nosram and Mtroniks.

My brothers mtroniks did fail.... Which is a bit worrying. However they did replace without any problem.

The mtroniks (eco 20  - forward and reverse) is much smaller then the nosram tomahawk (for/rev).

My major gripe with the tomahawk is how quick it goes into reverse. Causes a massive arc in the motor.

They do have some newer much smaller esc's tho - think its called the hawk.

If you can stretch to £40 id recomend the Novak XRS Sport. 15T Limit, fowards/reverse. And it doesnt shift into reverse unless you pull reverse back twice.

Thanks thats good advice the speed controller sounds alright and im sure that i can stretch the extra £10 though if its a 15t limit does that mean that i can't have a tuned motor if i upgraid from my standard Tamiya 540 motor?

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A Tamiya 540 motor is 27t (I think). 15t is the ESC limit. Every motor has a rating called "turns" for example, 27t motor, 15t motor, 11t motor, 6t motor. The lower the number the faster.

If the ESC has a "15t Limit" you cannot have motors with a lower number of turns that 15.

You can get very good motors for that limit so no need to worry. ;)

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DO NOT buy an eco27, under any conditions, ever.

I have been told that the nosram hawk power reverse is good for the money, and it stands at £33.99 in the modelsport uk store, and has some good features too! link Here.

that has a 15 turn motor limit, but you could go for the 18t version for £27.99 which is here.

both have reverse and are good value for money :D also both require no manual setup and are tiny too :D

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Yeah i have to say for £28 the hawk looks like a good buy! It will do you fine for racing as it will allow stock (27T) and superstock (19T).

And as liberal says they are really quite small (unlike the older tomahawk).

The XRS Sport is also v small, but is an extra £10.

For under £30 id also recomend the hawk, even if they havent changed the quick switch into reverse (as i described earlier) i think id rather have it over a budget mtronik's. However Mtroniks are UK based....

For £40 tho id say the novak XRS, altho having a 15T limit is kinda pointless... as someone said it wont allow you to race mod as you will need like a 9-12T motor. However if you have the money to race mod and their £60 motors you could probably afford a better esc by then!

But again i ask do you want forwards only or for/reverse ESC?

The other suggestions is for for/rev

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But again i ask do you want forwards only or for/reverse ESC?

The other suggestions is for for/rev

I would idealy like a revese and forward i had an mtroniks eco 27 which is crap it caught fire going up a hill! so i wouldnt even consider one of those. thyanks for all the advice i will look into it and have a browse on ebay aswell.

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lol! yeah my eco 27 caught fire on my desk! bloody thing, im going for the nosram hawk reverse as a replacement as ive been told its one of the best for the money :D

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Iv got a nosram international for sale if you want to make an offer?

How much you looking for? I would need to raise some cash first aswell so if your looking for a quik sale then i cant help you out. Thanks for the offer.


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Not wrong there mine burnt out piece of ****!! there cheap and cheerful and so you pay for what you get now days!!

That's now three of them that burnt out already from the small amount of people that have posted on this topic! lol. I totally agree with you get what you pay for.


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