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to the maxx

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Can't see why not!! As it's an oversized .21 crankcase!!You would need to do some mod's too your truck first!! remove reverse gear(one way gearbox)metal spur gear..Upgrade/rebuild diffs. Which .21 conversion kit thinking of using?

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lol, no chance!

I've had a truckzilla .46 and that engine will not fit in a standard Tmaxx.

If you are going to fit it in, you gonna have to seriously extend the tmaxx and do some drilling, and even then, it would kill your transmission and diffs and produce no top end speed!!

if you want real power get an EB mods picco .26 or some other big block engine!



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lol obviously u didn't understand last sentence in my post!!Which .21 conversion kit gonna use! ie xtm racing,hardcore racing,unlimited engineering? from which .21 slots in so .46 be no problem.But as Jc say's use a top line .21 less grief!!


Edited by R46
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