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do you OWN or HAVE OWNED a 4.6 savvy?


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please only answer if you have, or currently own a 4.6 savvy please

give me your unbiased opinions on the whole thing please. if summats rubbish..tell me..id rather know and budget for that

also what are the MOST important hop ups..not just the pretty stuff.


soon to be a savvy owner c0s

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please only answer if you have, or currently own a 4.6 savvy please

give me your unbiased opinions on the whole thing please. if summats rubbish..tell me..id rather know and budget for that

also what are the MOST important hop ups..not just the pretty stuff.


soon to be a savvy owner c0s

the only problem i had so far is stripping the teeth off the spur gear, oh and the gearbox was assembled wrong.

everything seems to work pretty well, is quick and i'm still running it very rich after running it in.

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It a great car.

Engine is loud as hell.

You make get fed up of pulling it so simply get a roto backplate (I got one free).The manifold rubs on the rear shock and scratches it.

the radio box is preety small and is hard to get on and of so i advise just keep a hump pack in there and leave the charging lead out.

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