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What should i do

4x4 freak

What should i do then  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What should i do then

    • Buy a New Engine.
    • Sell the Tmaxx and Buy Loads of RPM Parts for the Emaxx.
    • Sell the Tmaxx and Buy a Savage 25RTR.
    • Sell the Tmaxx and Buy a MGT Rock Edition.

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Is it worth buying a New Engine for the Tmaxx,

Think the 2.5 is Dieing. Its got to that Gallon Stage.

Is it worth buy a Sirio or Picco or is it better selling and and getting something else,

Or just keeping the Cash.

Is it worth Stripping Diffs and So on with the New Engine,

Sirio will strip Spurs every 20 Mins.

Is it worth all the Spur Changes?

What do People think of the MGT Rock Edition.

What do you think.



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you fool! you give us a choice like that!

burn the dam thing and buy a savvy straight away, then bat your head off a wall for not buying a savage in the first place!

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May buy one But Need some Cash First,

Dont know weather to get rid of the Nitro Parts on the Tmaxx and Keep the Rest for Spares for the Emaxx?

Those 2 RPM Arm would stop me break Front arms on the Emaxx.

Well Hopefully anyway.


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Phil, how about the new Savvy 21? Should save you a bundle of cash!

Is it any diffrent from the 25 Bar the Engine,

Got the Smae Gears on so on?

Would it cope with a SH28 or somthing like that or is the 25 Got some Upgrades on it for more power.



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aslong as you changed the gearin i think it'll cope fine? but if yer plannin on shuvin a new engine in straight way y not get the 4.6 alot better, dam fine truck look at merlin's. thats what i would do.

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