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STS.28 break in


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Just got my sts and i had to mess around with the settings to get it to start.I need to break it in and i was wondering wot settings i need to have to break the engine in.and if theres any thing else i need to know when breakin in.

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OK, you won't be disapointed with the STS, its a real powerhouse :P Stock settings were all flush if i remember correctly.

Right, Breakin, You will probably find that the engine is set extremely rich from factory settings, and to get a good steady idle, a nice HOT plug will help quite a bit. With mine, i let it idle for 2 tanks at stock, and once started, it idles no problem. You will find though its so rich, that even at full throttle at factory settings will only move about 2-3 MPH, very slowly, and will be kicking out all sorts of crap outta the exhaust. Just lean it up a little tank by tank, just enough to get the car moving a bit quicker each ime, but not tooo much.

After around 6-7 tanks of leaning slightly, my engine was at a point were if i wanted i could begin to tune it, although it was still rich at this point. Just tune as any normal engine from here. I think in total from stock i have leaned the HSN around 2 Whole turns and the LSN around 3/4 of a turn. Its now a flying machine.

Also after breakin is complete, you are recomended to remove the shims, i removed them around tank 13, theres 3, 2 copper shims and a aluminium one, take out the copper ones, an leave the other one in. You will see the engine come to life around tank 20, it really loosens up, and is difficult to catch!

Hope this helps... :P

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Just finished the first tank eyes are watering lol.should i wait till it cools down to start it up again?and after the second tank am i meant to drive in big circles but not using full throttle.

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just done my forth tank i leaned it abit aswell but when i try to go a litle bit faster it cuts of will this stop after a coulple for tanks and making it abit leaner?

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Just done my 8th tank and im pretty pleased both my needles are half a turn from flush, so I still need no lean it abit ill do the rest tomorrow ,only thing is when I accelerate then stop accelerating it carries on but when I brake its ok is that the idle screw that needs adjusting?

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had a couple more tanks through it and leaned it abit more its realy starting to come alive but it started to make a funny noise at cut out,went over and checked it and the slipper clutch had been stripped,why???and should i get the same one or a diffedrnt one?

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Does the spring on the throttle to the carb make a diifernce because its quite loose.

dunno mine's loose to but the carb is ok, although it might not be strong enough to close the carb,hense it still goin at no throttle?

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Thats too high for that engine, run 17/47, it will have more top end and will help keep the nose down, although it will still wheelie with ease :lol: If you are gonna run a titanium spur, make sure you have a matched CB as well. :lol:

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so if i use a titanium spur i will need a titanium cb.is it nesercery to use titanium,and if not what do i need to do to stop the gear from stripping?and is 18/47 any good because then i dont have to buy any thing.

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18/47 will certainly be better than 18/52. Robinson racingdo some great cb/spur combos check them out, but i would also strengthen your drivetrain if you are gonna go down this route, at the end of the day, somethings gotta give, i'd rather it be a £3.50 bit of plastic.... :)

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are these all the things i need to strenthern it:






is there any thing else?

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its preety old my dad got it when it first came out and didnt use it so he gave it to me.


is this the one? also have you got the part number for the spider diffs?

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