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How do you put it on?


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i just got my sts.28 swapped it for the picco and i cant put the clutch shoes on ive seen how do do it on the manuel but i dont get how there doing it, the hole in the flywheel are you supposed to put one of the shoes and a spring through a 2mm alan key then put it in the hole because thats what it looks like on the picture,can any one explain it to me?

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i just got my sts.28 swapped it for the picco and i cant put the clutch shoes on ive seen how do do it on the manuel but i dont get how there doing it, the hole in the flywheel are you supposed to put one of the shoes and a spring through a 2mm alan key then put it in the hole because thats what it looks like on the picture,can any one explain it to me?

you really need the toll that go in the glow plug and stops the piston from moving

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