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I need a charger that has an LCD screen so I can see what condition my batteries are in.

The charger must do upto 8 cells, but I would love to be able to do 16 cells at once. :blink:

I would like it to be mains, but if you recommend a 12v charger, could you please also reccomend a 12v source.

I really need something to charge 14 cells faster, at the moment I have a "Pro-Peak Varipulse" and it does one battery at a time on 3A taking around 2 hours!



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I've been using the eagle CDC for not far off a year now, love the thing, not had a single problem with it, hasn't false peaked a single time. Can do upto 10cells. Can get the AC/DC version for £150

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For that sirt of money id say the BMI digipeak 14 - i believe it does 14 cells (hence name) so unfortunately not quite what you want. But it has an LCD screen - can show volts, amperage and mah charged/discharged.

It also discharges, but i think only up to about 6-7 cells (it wont discharge my transmitter batteries. It will only discharge about 1.5- 1.75amps unfortunately tho. But i think its a very good charge - trickle charges, + adjustable fast charge from 0.3 - 5 amps. Comes with lead for tamiya plugs, and one to plug straight into a transmitter (plugs into my acoms anyway) and came with another lead... but cant remember now. maybe it was a reciever battery pack connector.

Its about £60-65, the only downside for you is it only runs off 12v. I converted an old 250W ATX to run it and it works fine :D

I think you can get a AC/DC version (maybe under a different name - think it was the mtoniks site i saw it on). But TBH id prefer saving about £40 for the smaller and lighter DC one and carry on using my PSU/ 12v car battery.

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Looked at them, but I heard they false peak really bad. Can you comment this statement?

From what I've heard they're one of the best chargers around. They can do two packs at once aswell which is good for the E-Maxx. I'm not sure if you can buy them in the U.K yet.

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i heard bad things about the superbrain thingy to.

the only other chargeri know of that can do 2 packs at once is the yokomo BCS double....i had one, sent it back because the screen pakced up.

they then sent it to yokomo in japan nd the damn fools lost it....so we got a 200 pound credit from CML (chargeronly cost us 80 from someone we know :D )

anyway..that charger was crap anyway.

what about that triton you showed me nick? that looked like a fairly good charger.

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I don't know what that means, so here is a picture of how. I will be making this connector thingy (attached picture) and charging 2 batteries like that.

Is that alright?

Why do you ask by the way? I have a feeling that you can charge 2 batteries at once wrong. :(


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It will be in series. That is how the batteries are connected, positive to neg - neg to positive etc. So by using that 2 way series connector the charger would see 2x6 cell packs as 1x12 cell pack. I presume they would charge a lot better this way if you completely discharge the equalize the cells first, and of course all cells are the same.

I might make a 2 way like that for my 2 sanyo 3000's on my BMI. That way i can charge them quicker prior to racing - then top them up individually 10 mins before racing :(

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TBH i dont know. So long as you discharge both battery packs before hand it should be ok. It should hopefully detect the drop off in volts required when one pack is charged, just obviously keep a good eye on them, at least for the first few charges to check one of the packs isnt getting excessively hot.

As they will both be the same batteries (all 3300 arnt they?) it should be fine.

Obviously cells can go out of sync with themselves in a 6 cell pack - and the charger copes with that - so i think it will be fine with 2 packs - so long as you dont do something like connecting one pack with 10% power in with a pack with say 50% power left! Hence why i suggest discharger each pack before a recharge :D

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