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just out of interest


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kool, its got to be worth it, the engine is soo good, and the qaulity, german enginering is the best out there, so this should be a wonderful piece of kit, if you got the cash ddazzi get one, i tihnk youll love them too,

cash is'nt a prob, I like the look of em but don't have anywhere to run it really nor the time, so I think i might be wasting my cash, sooner get a new savage.....or a revo I got my eye on :lol:

Edited by dazzi220
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Lol, fair enuff, the reason im getting one is ive always run off raod but since my local council shut my local track down i havent got many places if any to run on road, so its off road with big power now. Found a local track for these too so im gonna kain some ass hope fully.

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with me theres not many places I can go the local fields are covered in crap, but theres an excellent new parking lot near where I live, went a couple of times and its huge but some guy came out and said I had to go, plus its always empty

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why didnt you just buy the beetle in the first place :lol::D , or do you want both (greedy), i think when my monster beetle sehll is knackered, im gonna buy a clear marder shell, it looks good with the big wheels, i had a little experiment with them earlier :)



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hi all have just surfed on to this forum was looking for some fg s etc on the web .

have got in to fgs offroading last year and now have 2 its a bit addictive they are so much more reliable than nitro 3 pulls and your off .

love the beetle shell looks to good to bash,i had a show shell and a bashing shell for the marder.

i started with a marder and then got a set of monster tiers for it this took it to new hightes then i got a pajero this we soon destroyed as it was hoped up with a 26cc and with the marder racing it we just pushed it to far. then i got a monster beetle conversion and changed the marder .

got a new 29cc engine and a new shell for the jeep. now back from the dead just running the 29cc in but what power it can lift the front up looking to get a monster truck or the new beetle pro .

we have got some wild vid and lots of pics if i can find how to up load i will

the only thing i find with the 1/5th scale is the amount of room you need to thrash them

we have tried lots of parks ,bmx tracks, all have advantages and disadvantages but we like the beach the best down on the hard sand they go like rockets .

only last weekend the beetle out ran a 250cc trail bike the boy was gutted .

any one in the ayrshire area ??????

thanks will be back .................


cant find how to up load any one know how????????????????????????????????????????javascript:emoticon(':)')

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just ordered this shell for my monster beetle (dont worry its not gonna be that awful colour), i like the little bolt on sideguards, i think they will look good with the bigfoot tires


ordered it from hobbythek, pretty good, it was £55, a new clear marder shell on modelsport is £62


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A buggy shell on a moster?

i know, but have a look at this


now tell me that isnt nice :o

thats not the same shell, but its the same sort of design

and it looks good with the monster wheels

will be more stable too!!!


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None now thank god, but i had a few probs with the engine starting but thats ok now. Plus I had built a few bits thw wrong way round like a fool. But its going good now, had it doing some jumps, im just amazed of its size and power, hading it climbing up slopes at virtully 80 degress lol, its soo cool.

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Its bloody brilliant, im tihnking of some hop ups now.

Alloy spur carrier £16 stops the stock plastic one rounding out and spoiling your day

decent airfilter, ive got a £25 FS D&D filter on mine

Front cable discs brakes £82 for the basic fiber disc set or £120 for the laser cut metal discs, competition pads, bearings and alloy extra's


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