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just out of interest


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cheers seriously be looking in to it, I love the pajero shell but it does get boring some times, the beetle still rocks every thing, giving all rc a rest now exmas start tomoz. ahhh crap

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Nice, ive been looking at a samba theres one on ebay for 14 quid atm i know it will go up but hmmm. also been looking at alloy, and the big bore kit thingy. I'll see. Might get a tc4 instead

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i managed to bend my indestructable roll cage yesterday, now looking at an alloy one, they are £65 in my LHS, might have to buy one :D

going out with them later, lets hope everything goes well :ph34r: , last time we went out, my dad lost a screw out of his front upright, that ended play :(

bought a screw set now though, so missing screws wont spoil the fun


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well managed to have a breakage free bash today (sort of)

but i had so much posititve camber on my rear wheels it was ridiculous, kept rolling over

now put a few degrees of negative on so it should be better now


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  • 2 weeks later...

well my MB is officially a marder now, its got Horrmann jumbo wheels and tires on the back, and the are HUGE!! and at the moment its got an old ****ty marder shell on (im getting my new one tomorrow) and im getting the marder gearing aswell, oh and a new caliper for my brakes, i snapped a threaded rod in it and it wont come out :( so here ya go



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