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  • 2 weeks later...

Tool - hooker with a Phenis

Puscifer- v is for vagina

Gotta ask why I can write Vagina,, but not P e n i s? Both are medical names for body parts, that would be like banning the use of the word Areola but not banning Rectum.

(LOLOLOL neither of those words are Banned LOLOLOL)

Edited by Uriel
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  • 1 month later...
@James - HAARP is aces, the CD is nothing compared to what it was live :( I needa get my hands on the DVD <_<

Did you go to it then? I've got the dvd, it's great. Has more tracks than the CD version too.

Muse - The small print.

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Did you go to it then? I've got the dvd, it's great. Has more tracks than the CD version too.

Muse - The small print.

Went on the saturday, it was such a fantastic day. I know some people who went to see the DVD at odeon cinemas and they loved it, just a shame the DVD is of the sunday :(

Lily Allen - Everythings just wonderful (it's actually quite good!)

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