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  • 2 weeks later...

A very forgotten awesome track. Had real trouble trying to find it and took about 3 years to find it. Could not find it on Spotify or Amazon other than the live version. Enjoy.



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  • 4 weeks later...




I love Skindred's fusion of reggae/rasta rap and metal. Never heard it before them, and never since 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since retiring I've actually gone back to university, I was offered a partial scholarship to study music at the London Royal College of Music in my mid teens but for various reasons couldn't take advantage of the offer at the time.  So I've gone back to uni, almost a year earlier than planned, the original plan was to start in September this year and go to the London Royal College of Music and get a fellowship in music, however I was offered a spot at Glasgow at the start of this year, and decided to take it.  So I've been making it a point to listen to music that I'd normally not listen, so I'm avoiding rock, blues, swamp rock, metal, jazz, classical, pop, EDM, at the moment and really focusing on modern Latin American/Spanish music, like these guys:



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