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My hyper 7


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im putting it up for sale. if it sells it sells..if not then no biggy

im selling it to concentrate on my drift project and my rc18t.

engine is set to factory settings so will need tuning out.

comes with the std ha-boa transmittor but no fuel is included.

for pics or answers to any quesions just pme me or whatever.

£240 ono

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is anyone interested in this?..i want to buy another electric tourer and need to flog this. im taking it out tomorrow to get it all set up.

if your interested for around £230 posted then shout me.

my part ex it if you have a tc3..but only from racers that i know..no other part ex's will be considered.

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i think, i THINK, if i dont wake up from the dream (yes its 2am, im tired!), ive just bought a hyper 7!

:) Well done? You do know this will make you Phil's pitman :)

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it was after seeing steves hyper at the bash :( (even though it didnt run lol).

i think2 offroad rc's are needed, then i wont have down-time :)

and no, im not gonna be like phil and buy that many cars :)

thanks cos (god i dont even know your name!). definatly was some tough bartering! we must have started about 11:30 and finished at 2am.

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did a part exchange with mt tc3. TC3 + cash. cos can tell you how much cash if he wants to. he was kind enough to bargain with me, after i explained my point of view, that his price was close to the retail price, although i understand that he has still lost a bit of money, because the retail price has droped by £80. anyway, wont go into that :D

ill see you on msn soon to finalise postage details :D

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motor to powerful for ESC eh? ;) lmao

good job you bought that one and not the other one i will be selling in a week or 2...its got even better numbers :D

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