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what a piece of ****!


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i just bought a brand new gp3300 battery, i charged it up then conected the battery and motor and all the other wires so it was correctly wired turned my controller hit the throttle motor reved like mad then suddenly the speed control pours out with smoke and i mean pours!!! Not good the speed control has stopped working now crudy Mtroniks Tempo it is one of the old types though and it is about a year old so warrenty ran out donkeys years!! thats made my day i can't even try out my new battery!! I have to now purchase a new speed control, i'm not going to put up with a cheap one this time probably get a Ko propo VFS-1 or one of them Hara's so now i have to save up £100 quid what a great easter present hey!!


Edited by hyper-harry
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Happend to my ESC on my E-Maxx, first run and smoke came out in 3 minutes - they wouldn't give me a replacement. Now think how much an ESC costs that has to take twin motors and 16.8v - not nice, huh?

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yeah tamiya plugs are rubbish

the esc may just have been on its way out and all that nice fresh clean power flowing through it just couldnt take the strain anymore

am sorry to hear it fragged your weekend mate maybe a mate has one you could borrow for a hour or so ?


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I dont have much faith in modern MToniks esc unfortunately. My old mtoniks eco was good, it burnt out when i went through a puddle. But thats understandable, it was my fault.

However my brother had a newer eco 20, (i also have a 20 and an ec027). It was bought just before xmas, and about 3 weeks ago it just burnt out! It was plugged in, brother went to use the throttle (with the car off the ground) and it just went up in smoke!! His has never been raced, and had little use, so not impressed.

My brother still hasnt sent it off yet! I phoned modelsport for him, wrote him a letter, all he has to do is sent it off in the post but no he hasnt bothered yet! Lazy git lol

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Sounds just like my 3 month old Cirrus.... Out in a blaze of glory... :lol:

I emailed mtroniks and they offered me a replacement at a reduce price. :mellow:

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I used to give mtroniks a hard time on here but i think their great now. If your only going to spend £30 or less on a waterproof speed controller it's not going to have the best quality fets in the world. Their higher end speed controller are definately worth every penny. I've had the pro digi max, pro digi max 2000, and am currently using a cirrus, and the cirrus is light years ahead of my old quantum comp, the acceleration is better, my cells last longer, my motor runs cooler, and the brakes are far more effective.

Edited by batman
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Sounds just like my 3 month old Cirrus.... Out in a blaze of glory...  :lol:

I emailed mtroniks and they offered me a replacement at a reduce price.  :mellow:

You just of moaned your arse off at them for that! They have to replace it for you if its faulty. Same with any electrical goods, they HAVE to by LAW give a 1 year warranty. Im not sure where it stands when the item is being used for race purposes tho.. ;)

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