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Schumacher Springs Differnet Lengths!


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Having bought some replacement springs for my Mission I have noticed that the new springs are shorted than the old ones.

Is this correct or did they (Apex) supply me with the wrong ones. They mentioned in the shop that Schumacher have changed the way the springs are configured as they are rated in pounds.

This means that half the shock is now going to be taken up with the spacers from the spring tuning kits.

Is all this right?


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I know Schumacher released some new springs last month, they are shorter as they are designed for the TRF shocks, and Schumacher's new ones.

You might have this set. They are classed as Pro Touring springs and are:

Blue 16lb

Green 18lb

Red 20lb

Yellow 23lb

Violet 27lb

The only way you can run these on the kit shocks is with spacers to take up the extra room (most people did this when running Associated/Xray springs anyway).

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