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What car?


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Hi there I'm new to the world of rc. I was just wondering what do you think the best electric, on-road, first car would be? I have around £200 to spend and would consider second hand. The £200 includes all electrics and radio gear so it's a tight budget. I have seen a few tamiya deals on-line, but I don't know how good they will be.

Any help would be much apreciated and if this is posted in the wrong area sorry.

Ta much Alex.

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MSUK do them, but you could get a better deal if you wanted to buy everything separate or secondhand.


Problem is it may be a good car, but sparwes are not as readily availble as TC3/4 ones, and a TC3 is a good simple beginners car.

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Thanks everyone for your input. I like the TC3 so far, but what is the difference between a RTR and This. Obviously the second one needs constructing and electrics but all together the price incl batteries is £219 about the same as the ready to run. What is the difference? Is there a difference? Also how easy is it to modify/repair a TC3 how available are parts?

Ta much. Alex.

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TC3 are great cars easy to great parts for and to upgrade parts. The RTR version I guess is just a stardard TC3 built up with cheap radio gear and speed controller in it. So really the question you need to ask your self is what you what out of this car? :wacko:

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I have just won a TC3 racer on ebay for good money - my brother will probably have it unless i prefer it to my mission (unlikely).

The only downside i see to the TC3 RTR is if you want to start racing. It comes with a 19T motor, which i guess would be fine for superstock, but would have thought a little underpowered against the top motors. Also superstock is harder and would have thought 27T stock is more suited for beginners until you master controlling the car..

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The mission is an amazingly strong car, so you wouldnt really need to buy spares, apart from a couple of spurs i dont think it broke mine, except at the btcc when a hole load of stuff broke.

Tc3 RTR would be a great car to start with, there arer soo many that have had them so finding someone to help you isn't a problem, and there are loads of set up sheets availible.


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