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Making my own obstacles.


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That looks fun knocking up some little obstacles for the little crawler 😃, If you got a garden piling some rocks and house bricks can make a fun course for a crawler. I ended up making far too many ramps up on things last winter. If you got a pet see how close you can get by slowly crawling up on them 😄. Think I got up to the cats nose before he spotted it.  

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39 minutes ago, Rat-Matt-RC said:

I'm going to have to collect more wood...

That's awesome and as I've got quite a large garden too, so can use quite a few of those ideas.


Looks a LOT of fun.

Old pallets contain a lot of usable wood, other items can be collected from skips, recycle old furniture ( part of my course is made from an old pine bedframe ), its amazing what you can use. Check out you tube and various threads on this forum for different ideas. My next idea is to extend the course up and over the summerhouse roof (that will have to be done when the wifes out, lol, 🤔)

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