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Which RC can you not bring yourself to sell ?


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Greetings y'all 🤠,


Now the collection of rc's are starting to overspill and I the need room 😑 I am getting the feeling I should start thinning the crowd but I cannot bring myself to do it 🙈, when ever I look at my revo 2.0 or ickle revo I remember the fun I had with them and cannot bring myself to sell them off. I keep saying I will use them but I don't they just look sad on the shelf collecting dust.


I am not a shelf queen rc dude I like to use my stuff but the revos are not getting the love they need 🙈


Which one or two maybe more rc`s in your collection can you not bring yourself to sell? 🙂

Edited by Partydaz
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  • Partydaz changed the title to Which RC can you not bring yourself to sell ?

Ohhh that Kyosho KB10l Tacoma is one sexy beast 😍 love me some scale off roading, the video on Kyosho website nearly had me hitting the buy button 😅

Edited by Partydaz
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6 minutes ago, Partydaz said:

Ohhh that Kyosho KB10l Tacoma is one sexy beast 😍 love me some scale off roading, the video on Kyosho website nearly had me hitting the buy button 😅

Its one hell of a truck plenty fast enough on 2S it would be mental on 3S, just a shame i dont have right spot to run it of road

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All of them. I did sell a maverick quantum XT because it was just a money pit. Whenever I think of a reason to sell one I can think of another reason to keep it. 

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I now have very little time for rc cars, still really like the hobby and going to keep going but most of my cars will be sold at some point, though i plan to reinvest in quality over quantity, i do have an RGT 2021 Bronco that i would NOT sell as its a cracking rig

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I dont like selling any of mine, i have sold a few over the years but have always regretted it, you never get what you paid for them and for the amount you lose i would just rather keep and put in the loft

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My Losi LST2. I've had it since I was 12 years old and it was my first hobby grade RC. I could never imagine getting rid of it. It's very sentimental.

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I truely believe theyre are two types of people. Those who keep everything, and those who will just get rid of stuff. My Mrs keeps everything. Im the opposite. Ill sell/throw away anything. If I dont need it immediately its gone. Id rather throw something away or sell it and buy it again IF I need it again.


Bringing this to RC. I currently have the best RC collection Ive ever had. However, Everything is for sale as I could probably buy anything I have now back again. Id Probably never sell my 58170 Tamiya Supra or my Pennzoil R34 as they genuinely seem rare and I dont see them much. The Tamiya Cossies I have arent rare but I paid £120 each and it would cost me a lot more to buy them now.


I do regret selling my Tamico 934, but probably only on value. I had 2 and they were €200 each. Theyre £1500 now….

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Good side effect of this post is that I get to goggle all these sweet RCs that I know nothing about only been back in the hobby about three years now so slowly trying different brands / style of kits etc. 


That Tamico 934 is something else Tamiya do make some beautiful body shells 😍. Are the Tamiya's worth ripping about or will they explode on first contact with a bump? got a blitzer beetle built for now and looking forward to taking it for a spin just bit worried its going self destruct on me 🙈, I know take it out and see how it goes suppose its how you drive them will dictate how long it will last. No 6s big air with these Tamiya's I suppose 🙄😆.


Losi LST2 goggle popped up seemed to have that sweet flame effect on the shell an old style that will never die in my eyes 😃. One thing I am going have to try on my next shell. Some dude did a brushless conversion on one and it looks like it can take some stick 😃

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5 hours ago, Kpowell911 said:


I truely believe theyre are two types of people. Those who keep everything, and those who will just get rid of stuff.


As I get older I’m moving more from the ‘sell it’ camp to ‘keep it’. I suppose in the past I’ve always had a better use for the money. Nowadays I can afford to keep things and still buy the next thing I want.

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Never sold one yet...

only 5 tho!


I'd never sell my Rush Evo though! it's a shelf queen now, what popped my Rc Cherry!


The traxxas  rustler has just about every part replacing so yeah...not even the OG really...



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This is proving to be a decent thread, interesting to see what models are held in high regard, one model i have is worth little money but its been such a workhorse i wont part with it and that is my black FTX Fury 2.0, my plan was to run it till it was done for, but absolutely nothing has failed on it, it has been way more reliable than my element enduro, just a darn good truck that really should be used more often and maybe a couple more upgrades. I am even toying with getting another fury 2.0 for my wife to use

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6 hours ago, Partydaz said:


That Tamico 934 is something else Tamiya do make some beautiful body shells 😍. Are the Tamiya's worth ripping about or will they explode on first contact with a bump? got a blitzer beetle built for now and looking forward to taking it for a spin just bit worried its going self destruct on me 🙈, I know take it out and see how it goes suppose its how you drive them will dictate how long it will last. No 6s big air with these Tamiya's I suppose 🙄😆.



I have about 30 Tamiya’s at the moment. 7 are still in the box, ranging from 2 from 1993, and 1 from December 2024, so I cant really count them. The majority of the rest all run, and have electric’s but Ive not used them all mainly because theyre quite rare and valuable. Truth be told, the majority of them are pants today. I only have them because theyre what I wish I couldve had in the 90’s (when theyre mainly from). My BBX runs a brushless set up, and is modern and fine for 2024, but theres probably better out there for the money (mine cost nearly double say a Rustler VXL all in). I also have a TT02R which is fun for car parks, but any rtr touring car will match/beat it. I obviously adore Tamiya’s but I think you need the link to Tamiya’s from when you were a kid to have them these days. 

I also kind of regret selling my Traxxas Rustler/Stampede’s, then moving on to the E Maxx and HPI Savage Flux’s. They were a massive part of my RC life, and I dont own any at the moment. I do occasionally search for a Stampede Roller but they seem to go for a lot more than Im willing to spend. I have a brand new Traxxas Radio, Servo and Brushless System for one doing nothing. 

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On 23/01/2025 at 14:10, Partydaz said:

they just look sad on the shelf collecting dust.


I am not a shelf queen rc dude I like to use my stuff but the revos are not getting the love they need 🙈


Youd hate me then. This is an old pic of just the Tamiyas 😫 added a few more since




Having a loft conversion in March so itll all go up there soon 

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Can't bring myself to sell my twin nitro engined Savage, my Kyosho Madforce with unobtainium upgrades, or my 6WD 4WS Hyper 7 brushless conversion.


Probably some others like my remaining 5th scale petrol truck, or the Mini Savage, or the Heng Long tank.......

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I'm one of those who probably won't sell anything but the one I definitely wouldn't sell is my Schumacher manic 36 twin..I haven't run it in ages as spares are almost none existent ! Saw one go on ebay last year for 600 quid but I still wouldn't part with it for that amount. So wish Schumacher would make some more bashers like they used to. 

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17 hours ago, Nitroholic said:

Can't bring myself to sell my twin nitro engined Savage, my Kyosho Madforce with unobtainium upgrades, or my 6WD 4WS Hyper 7 brushless conversion.


Probably some others like my remaining 5th scale petrol truck, or the Mini Savage, or the Heng Long tank.......

Got a link to the 6wd 4wheel steer hyper 7?!


I'd love to build a 6x6, originally was gonna be. hyper 7 base but liked the rustler ease but swinging to a Ravage/tracer one now....



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Just revisiting this i havent ran nitro in a few years and the blackout was probably 2 years ago, since i started with lipo powered cars i suppose i cannot be annoyed with the hassle of setting up the shift on multi speed gearboxes and the cutting out and having to go for a walk, so if i was going to sell some it would be nitro cars but the likes of my savage xl or cen gst (which i converted to a 5.9 cause the 7.7 was rubbish) i wouldnt part with, also have a 1/10 scale nitro man racing truck or a kyosho blizzard that i wouldnt sell as i have them as ornaments in the house, i suppose i would be more inclined to sell the nitro on road stuff as trying to find a place to run them and stretch their legs is really difficult, the only lipo powered cars i would maybe sell would be the quantum flux as its a bit fragile and aftermarket hop ups is none existent to weed out the problem parts

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Im having opposite problem, quite a few to sell but as nothing selling so cant be bothered to list them, i think the list so far is brushless outlaw, MN82 toyota, 2 tamiya rally cars, a little Hi-speed 1/18th fireteam clone. Partly tempted to sell the wifes coyote to get her an upgrade, even the gatekeeper powerwagon could end up being a casualty then there are all the rc planes that dont get flown any more

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