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Team Associated RB10 first thoughts


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After various posts I’ve sold the HBX16889a Pro I only bought a few weeks ago. It was fast but a bit hectic and felt like it had too much power vs the grip it had.


I bought an RB10 RTR and after some advice (thank you) I’ve picked up a Zeee 3s battery and Sky RC charger. 

I fancy an occasional race with a mate at a club he goes to - I’ll need to pickup some 2s batteries for that before doing it.


Ive ordered a few bits - faster servo / aluminium servo horn - there seems to be quite a bit of play in the steering so will see how that goes. Might end up changing a few bits if needed.


I’ve also ordered a couple of bigger pinions - think it comes with an 18t so ordered a 22t and 24t. Out the box it’s meant to be a bit slow on 2s.  

Finally I’ve found the suspension feels way too soft - particularly on the rear. On further investigation the back left shock was super soft and felt like it had no damping at all. I opened up the shock to find it didn’t have much oil in - but more of an issue is there’s an e- clip missing that sits below the piston. Therefore the piston was just sitting at the bottom of the shock doing absolutely nothing! I’ve ordered a pack of the e clips and what I think is a slightly stiffer pair of rear springs. I also have some 35wt oil to go in the rear shocks.


Can’t wait to get it all up and running now!





Edited by Joebristol
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