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My first boat


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I’ve only gone and won myself a boat on hobby comps. It’s a Racent vector sr48 brushed. It’s a cheap small boat but I thought it might be fun to add to the collection. 

couple of questions though. Are the electronics all the same as on the cars? Or is there something unique about the motor, ESC or servo? What about the transmitter? Could I run it on my dumbo tx?


Is there anything else I may have the wrong assumption about, coming from rc cars?



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should be more or less similar and if you have a spare rx for your dumbo you can run it with that provided its not an all in rx/esc type thing

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21 minutes ago, Stormbringer said:

should be more or less similar and if you have a spare rx for your dumbo you can run it with that provided its not an all in rx/esc type thing

It looks like it is a 2in1 stock. I do have a bl30 and brushless motor going spare so could do a full conversion if it’s all suitable? Im guessing maybe the ESC is specific, as they’re specific for a crawler?

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39 minutes ago, wolfie1 said:

Usually on boats the esc and motor are water cooled

The motor is, ESC isn’t. The cooling is just a tube wrapped around the motor so should fit any motor I think?



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